Use custom ringtones in Microsoft Lumia phone

I’ve been struggling for hours to force my Microsoft Lumia 535 to display (and allow me to select) any .mp3 file as custom ringtone. Finally, this answer solved my problems. However, there were some side notes and differences with my Lumia 535, that are not mentioned in this article, so I decided to write following post to further extend it.

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Remove default search engines in Opera

This is a revised and updated version of this Super User answer on how to easily remove default search engines in Opera browser. By default they’re not editable or removable at all. Official statement is, that this feature was “forgotten”. But, we all know the facts, that Opera is being paid for keeping these default search available and making removal of them as hard as possible to the end user.

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Hide right sidebar in Adobe Acrobat Reader

If you’re annoyed with Tools / Fill & Sign / Comment right sidebar in Adobe Acrobat Reader (it is pretty useless, but still occupies a lot of space), then you can hide it with a simple trick.

Press Ctrl+H or select View > Reader Mode to enable Reader Mode.

This will hide all extra stuff (all toolbars and sidebars) except actual document area. If you would like to bring left sidebar (with navigation panel etc.) back, then simply press that keyboard shortcut or select that menu option again, to disable Reader Mode. Left sidebar should return, while right sidebar should remain hidden.