Autosave and revisions in WordPress

WordPress by definition performs automatic saves of each post being currently edited and also, for each post update, it creates a revision. This enlarges database and sometimes can make life a little bit harder, because both WordPress and browser can get a little bit wako on any of these mechanisms. So, here is a quick way of disabling these features.

This post is based on Revision Management in Wrodpress Codex. Refer to it for details.

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Redirect page in HTML

To redirect user to another page directly in browser (without using server-side and HTTP error codes) one just have to add this to <head> section of HTML document:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="x; url=http://.../page.html"/>

Where x means number of seconds after each the redirection is happening.

This is just to remind me, what to use in this case. Nothing more.

Read More “Redirect page in HTML”