FujitsuSiemens AmiloPro V2060 no HDD found

When installing Windows XP Professional on FujitsuSiemens AmiloPro V2060 laptop in most cases it will turn out, that the hard disk is not found. This is because many Windows XP Installation CDs do not contain drivers for the Intel SATA HDD support, that is available in AmiloPro family of FujitsuSiemens laptops. This article may help in this situation.

Proper driver must be add manually during installation of system. But, be aware that such a driver cannot be installed from any other medium (e.g. USB stick, CD, HDD) than floppy disk drive. This is a lack in Windows XP installer and has nothing to do with your AmiloPro laptop.

To prepare floppy disk with required driver, you have to have access to any computer with Windows system installed (or any other that supports ZIP extracting) and floppy drive (either USB or bulit-in).

Then follow these steps:

  1. Connect an USB Floppy drive, if you don’t have bulit-in one.
  2. Extract the driver from to floppy disk.

To add driver during Windows XP install, you have to have computer with floppy drive (either USB or built-in).

Then follow these steps:

  1. Connect an USB Floppy drive, if you don’t have bulit-in one.
  2. Boot from MS Windows XP CD.
  3. Press F6 during first step of installation to add the additional driver.
  4. After a few moments installer ask for driver, select Intel SATA from floppy disk.

If all operations are successful, installer recognize your SATA hard disk and you will be able to continue with your Windows XP installation.

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