directional sign on a sidewalk

Force Edge to do not redirect HTTP → HTTPS

A quick note on all steps needed for making sure that Edge won’t do any HTTP to HTTPS redirect:

  1. Set Automatic HTTPS (edge://flags/#edge-automatic-https) to Disabled.
  2. Disable HTTP Strict Transport Security (source):
    • Go to Net InternalsDomain Security Policy (edge://net-internals/#hsts).
    • Enter domain name into Domain field in Delete domain security policies and hit Enter (source).
    • Enter domain name into Domain field in Query HSTS/PKP domain and hit Enter to validate (source).
  3. Press Ctrl+Shift+Del, and delete all cache and browsing history (source).
  4. Add your domain in Insecure content (edge://settings/content/insecureContent) → Allow list (source).
  5. Restart Microsoft Edge.

If after above your domain or page is still being redirected to https:// after you specifically type http:// in your URL then there’s 99% chance that the redirect is server-side and there is nothing more that you can do prevent it on the client side. Sorry!

green and black industrial machine

The magic of using Print Management

I have spent my entire life with Windows (starting with Windows 3.1) and I have never ever found before how cool application we have there. It seems that Print Management in Windows can solve problems that were unsolvable before or can make solving some other problems much easier.

Cannot remove pesky “OneNote (Desktop)” driver that keeps returning? Your network printer has stopped printing suddenly? Well, go ahead and give it a try…

Read More “The magic of using Print Management”
close up view of system hacking in a monitor

The fastest way for deleting Windows.old folder

Since this is a special system folder, removing it via regular won’t work.

There are many approaches to this task, including disk cleanup tools and system settings. I found the fastest one to run either command line or terminal and executing:

takeown /F C:\Windows.old\* /R /A /D Y
icacls C:\Windows.old\*.* /T /grant administrators:F
Remove-Item -Path "C:\Windows.old" -Recurse -Force

Must be run as an administrator of course.