Non-alphanumeric Javascript?
Ever heard about Brainfuck? It is an esoteric programming language? Designed with only one purpose — to test the boundaries of computer programming… and human brain. It uses only eight single characters ([
, ]
, <
, >
, +
, -
, .
and ,
) as entire set of programming words. Yes, it really fucks your brain!
To mine extreme surprise with proper tools you can turn regular Javascript into very similar brainfucking experience!
The idea of this article comes from Patricio Palladino’s blog and is also explained in his another article.
To not waste your good joy of reading these text, let me only tell you, that you can “convert” for example this:
alert('Hello World!');
into this:
If you don’t believe me, then simply copy-paste above block into your browser’s console and try to execute it! On certain web browsers you may be forced to join this string into single line (I do both my line splits and line joins using fabulous Notepad++).